Friday, 27 July 2012

A Substitute for Something Else or Girls Best Friend?

Just so you know, this won't be a blog about shoes. Although there will be a mention or two of Manolo!

Last night whilst watching a tv show, a lady made a comment that her dog was her other child. This comment was met with strange looks from one guy as he felt that anybody who thought of a dog as a child, needed to seek help from a doctor.

Clearly this man has never had a pet.

Quite a few years ago, I found out I probably couldn't have children. Now whilst I hadn't considered whether I wanted kids or not, I was a pit pissed that the choice had been taken from me. Even though friends and family had started having kids around me, I still didn't really consider whether it was something for me.

Over the years I had got used to the fact that it wouldn't happen so I never gave it a thought. That was until about 2 years ago, when I kept having the feeling that something was missing.I began to think, was it the old "biological clock ticking'? But I knew it wasn't.

 A co-worker dropped into work one morning and she had brought her puppy with her. I'd always loved dogs, but hadn't thought about having one myself. As soon as I petted this gorgeous little one, I knew what I wanted. And so the hunt began......

In Cairns (and surrounding suburbs) there are 2 pets stores!! 1 was great if you needed supplies or a fish and the other was where all of FNQ frequented every single week to see what new arrivals they had in store. So I took to the saturday paper, I would get it at 6am and would have a list to call. I would always wait until 9am before calling, unfortunately nobody else was that considerate as the dogs would all be sold by the time I rang. This went on for just over 2months, I would drive down from Port Douglas every Saturday and hope that I would be coming home with a new addition.

Finally one, particularly hot Saturday, I went into the store, I went straight out where they kept the puppies and had a look. Nothing took my fancy so I walked back inside, as I was walking thru the store I accidently dropped my handbag. There next to my bag was a big cage with a tiny gorgeous puppy in it, I had missed him earlier. I asked to have a look at him and as soon as I picked him up and he licked my chin, I knew it was love!! I named him Manolo.

That was nearly 2 years ago. He is now fully grown (thank goodness!) and is still a ball of excitement. Overall though, he was exactly what I needed. To come home to him, so excited to see you is better than almost anything. Yes I had the whole toilet training, no sleep, teething, sickness, worrying in general but I wouldn't do it any other way. In Feb 2011 we were unlucky enough to have Cyclone Yasi go thru. We spent the night in the shower, in the dark and stinking hot. Manolo slept thru the wind and most noises, he was loving the cool tiles. There was the option of staying in an evacuation centre, but dogs weren't allowed. I knew there was no way I was leaving him behind, so we spent it bunkered down in the house.

To anybody that has ever had a loyal loving pet, you will know that you would move heaven and earth for them. Yes, I treat him like the child I never had but hey why not? He is still a living creature who deserves to be treated well, and if this makes me somebody in need of a doctor, then I better up my health insurance!!

To Manolo.........Happy 2nd Birthday!!!

12 weeks old

Manolo at 2 years old.

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